
We're a rainbow made of children

Growing up I went to Girl Scout camp a couple of summers.  There was a song that always stuck in my mind and on occasion I find that tune running through the brain again. 

We’re a Rainbow Made of children
We’re an army Just singin our song
There’s no weapons That can stop us
Rainbow love is Much to strong

I was born in, Mississippi
Saying yes sir to all the men
But I found that it got me nowhere
So I’ll never say it again

We’re a rainbow made of children
We’re an army just singin our song
Theres no weapons that can stop us
Rainbow love is much to strong

I was taught that black was evil
I was taught that white was good
But when you become a rainbow
All the colors are understood

I wasn't born in Mississippi and I certainly was never taught that black was evil and white was good. (thankfully).  But this song still resonates with me.  I like the imagery of different people being together and making something breathtakingly beautiful.  A rainbow.

So perhaps that is why there is diversity within those that I hold dearest.  I grew up taking to heart that my world should be made up of a rainbow of people. Some of my loved ones have a paler skin tone than mine, some have a darker.  Some like boys, some like girls, some may like both.   I don't really ask their preference as a requirement of my friendship.  Some believe opposite of me and while I wish sometimes they didn't, I don't love them any different as long as they too respect that I can have my own opinion.  We may debate or we may know it's just best to leave the subject alone.

Tonight I participated in a peaceful protest against a proclamation that some members of my county board made declaring that "Jefferson County believes that marriage is between a man and a woman".  Well guess what Jefferson County Board, I don't believe that and you didn't ask me before you represented me.  And you can't say I elected you so you can speak for me because I don't recall this issue EVER coming up during the county election.  And had it, I would have thought it absolutely ridiculous that it was because I just don't see it being a part of your job description.  I thought your job was to better our county, you know by approving the fixing of roads and bids for salt and stuff.

Don't get me wrong. I am alright with you county board members disagreeing with me. After all, if I wasn't then it would be a little hypocritical of me, right?  I am not okay with you taking your personal opinion and making it into a proclamation that represents how me and my friends feel when I know that it isn't. I'm not okay with this proclamation being a representation of our county. A county that I was raised in so I know it's not really the belief of the whole county because if it was then how in the world would I have come to believe the way that I do.

But since you decided to misspeak for me let me tell you what I really believe.   I believe that if some of my best friends' loved one is in the hospital sick that my best friends should have the exact same rights to be there with their loved one as a part of their family as I have to be there next to my husband if he was in that situation.  I also believe that it is hypocritical of you (County Board) to say "we don't believe in your right to marry" but "we do believe in our right to profit off of your marriage".  If you are going to live it, live it fully.  If the thought of marriage for all disgust you so much or is so against your moral code than how exactly do you justify making money off of it?  Feels a little dirty to me.  In fact it feels a lot more dirty to me than any of the things that I have seen occur when "gay people" congregate. (which by the way I haven't ever seen anything that felt dirty at such a congregation)  I know that some of the people in this county have that fear. If our county supports equal rights for marriage those said marriages could be a bad influence on our children.  Shouldn't you too be afraid that your children may be influenced to believe it is okay to profit off of something that you are morally against?  When I put it that way it sounds a little shamey, shamey doesn't it.

You know what proclamation I would like to see?  I would like to see one regarding aholes and stupid people.  You know the ones that are rude for no good reason.  The ones that say stuff that you are like "Are they really that stupid?". Do you think that you can make a proclamation regarding aholes or stupid people.  I sure don't want aholes and stupid rubbing off on my children when I have them. And I think we could really bounce back from this negative imagine thing we have going on now if you would say "Jefferson County believes that aholes and stupid people should not be aholes and stupid." Oh but I bet you can't do that right?  Cause some people are just born that way right?

Afterthought...Just to clarify my previous
I was not addressing people that believe opposite of me on these issues. I'm talking about the people that are horn happy in traffic, get their kicks out of being mean, or hit you with a shopping cart and then look at you like it's your fault.


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